WordPress Post #4: US Teens Rejecting “Boy” and “Girl” Labels?




While looking up studies, I came across a CNN article consisting different studies that focused on how some teens do not label themselves as “boys” or/and “girls”. While reading the article, a link to a study from “Pediatrics” supported the article CNN had posted.

Under the study, “Health and Care Utilization of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth: A Population-Based Study” by G. Nicole RiderBarbara J. McMorrisAmy L. GowerEli ColemanMarla E. Eisenberg, CNN journalists Mercedes Leguizamon and Brandon Griggs summarized that, “almost 3% of Minnesota teens did not identify with traditional gender labels such as “boy” or “girl” (CNN 2).

This study also talks about TGNC — transgender and gender non-conforming. A huge portion of this study talks about the health of the TGNC community. According to the study, it states that “although research on youth who are transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) is in its nascence, studies indicate that adolescents who identify as TGNC versus cisgender experience significant mental health disparities” (Pediatrics 7).

While discussing the health amongst who consider themselves as TGNC, the study states that 62.1% of teens in this community obtain either poor health, fair or fine compared to people who have excellent health.

When coming across the CNN article, “More US teens are rejecting ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ gender identities, a study finds,” and looking through studies supporting it, it was possible to do further research which aided me to go upstream.

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